Electronic Books

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Alla ricerca della via più breve

Il libro narra la vicenda di Rut, quindicenne, trasferitasi da poco in Germania con la famiglia, al seguito del padre che ...

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Ancient Philosophy of the Self

This volume explores the various ways in which selfhood was approached and conceptualised in antiquity. They also describe ...

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Apprehension and Argument

This book offers the first synoptic study of how the primary elements in knowledge structures were analysed in antiquity ...

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Approaches to Metaphysics

Today, when systematic philosophy - and reason itself - are challenged both outside of and within philosophy, is it still ...

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Beauty’s Appeal : Measure and Excess

Beauty fulfils human existence. As it registers in our aesthetic experience, beauty enhances nature’s enchantment around ...

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Consciousness: From Perception to Reflection in the History of Philosophy shows that the concept of consciousness was explicated ...

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Constitutionalism and Legal Reasoning

This book of legal philosophy contends that positive law is better understood if it is not too easily equated with power, ...

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De L’Éthique À La Justice : Langage et politique dans la philosophie de Lévinas = Language and politics in the philosophy of Levinas

Emmanuel Lévinas is the philosopher of non-indifference; he is by no means an indifferent philosopher. His personal concern ...

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Education In Human Creative Existential Planning

Education is the transmission of knowledge and skill from one generation to another, and is vitally significant for the growth ...

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Energy-Efficient and Semi-automated Truck Platooning : Research and Evaluation

This book presents research and evaluation results of the Austrian flagship project “Connecting Austria,” illustrating ...

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Feminist Reflections on the History of Philosophy

Feminist work in the history of philosophy has come of age as an innovative field in the history of philosophy. This volume ...

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From the Act of Judging to the Sentence

This book offers a detailed study of the truth-bearers problem, that is, the question of which category of items the predicates ...

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Heaven Upon Earth

THE HISTORY OF BRITISHAPOCALYPTICTHOUGHT The study of early modern Britain between the Reformation of the 1530s and the Wars ...

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Law as Symbolic Form

In this book we describe the rule of law as the reign of persuasion rather than the reign of force, and democracy as the ...

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Leibniz and the English-Speaking World

These essays comprise a first attempt to assess overall the attention awarded to Leibniz’s philosophy in the English-speaking ...

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Man as a place of God

Man as a Place of God is an examination of Levinas’ philosophy of religion in the light of his ethics and anthropology. ...

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Platonism at the Origins of Modernity : Studies on Platonism and Early Modern Philosophy

This collection of essays offers an overview of the range and breadth of Platonic philosophy in the early modern period. ...

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Self and Other: Essays in Continental Philosophy of Religion

The essays in this volume focus on some of the topics that are shaping recent continental philosophy of religion, including ...

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Self-Organizing Natural Intelligence

This book proposes, utilizes, and demonstrates the research superiority of a highly developed multidisciplinary theory models ...

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The Achilles of Rationalist Psychology

How is it that the mind perceives the words of a verse as a verse and not just as a string of words? One answer to this question ...

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