Electronic Books

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Challenge In Biologic Drug Delivery نسرين رباط ؛ جلنار الجمل ؛ لونا القوتلي ؛ إشراف د. مازن رجب

Biologics are currently one of the most promising avenues for therapeutic interventions in conditions such as metabolic disease, ...

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Large intestine disorders نايا حجازي ؛ دونيز راجحة ؛ محمد غيث نصري ؛ إشراف د. عبد الرزاق شيخ عيسى

our project is an overview of Advanced and supplemental topics related to physiology and pathophysiology of the large intestine. ...

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The Gut Microbiome نبيلة نخال ؛ سميرة الناصر ؛ فاليريا شولغا ؛ إشراف د. محي الدين جمعة ؛ د. عفراء النقري

The gut microbiome is now becoming known for its role in metabolism, immune defense, and behavior. From in utero variations ...

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