Electronic Books

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Alla ricerca della via più breve

Il libro narra la vicenda di Rut, quindicenne, trasferitasi da poco in Germania con la famiglia, al seguito del padre che ...

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Il bizzarro mondo dei quanti = The bizarre world of quanta

Written before the final exams by an exceptionally talented young woman, this book bridges the gap between the popular literature ...

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Il cielo sopra Roma : I luoghi dell’astronomia = The sky above Rome: The places of astronomy

Astronomy in Rome has always been there, but a little hidden: it was in the palaces, in the churches or, better, above the ...

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La musica del Big Bang : Come la radiazione cosmica di fondo ci ha svelato i segreti dell’Universo = The music of the Big Bang: How the cosmic background radiation revealed the secrets of the Universe to us

Cosmic microwave background radiation is the residue of the great heat following the Big Bang. A tenuous sign, over 13 billion ...

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Passione per Trilli : Alcune idee dalla matematica = Passion for Tinker Bell: Some ideas from mathematics

It is a general belief that mathematics is a difficult subject to understand, that uses esoteric symbols and an incomprehensible ...

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Tigri e Teoremi : Scrivere teatro e scienza = Tigers and Theorems: Writing theater and science

From science according to Popper and Toulmin to theater according to Morteo and Brecht, a path is built between the two disciplines ...

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Tutti i numeri sono uguali a cinque

Twenty-one stories, twenty-one authors, twenty-one fragments of life walking alongside science, in the most free and brazen ...

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Vite matematiche : Protagonisti del’ 900 da Hilbert a Wiles = Mathematical Lives: Twentieth-century protagonists from Hilbert to Wiles

Presenting famous mathematicians alongside others less known to the general public - from Hilbert to Gödel, from Turing ...

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