Electronic Books

Total Books: 1 - 2 /2
FitBuddy: an artificial intelligence powered personal trainer / Mohammed Abdulrahman Al Khatib , Mouaz Anwar Anan , Riham Nizar Hannoun , Tala Raffat Babili and Tima Wassim Hadaya ; Supervised by Nada Ghneim , Massa Baali and Mohammad Al Masre محمد عبد الرحمن الخطيب ، معاذ أنور عنان ، رهام نزار حنون ، تالا رأفت ببيلي و تيماء وسيم هدايا ؛ إشراف ندى غنيم ، ماسة البعلي و محمد المصري

FitBuddy App is a sports application that employs artificial intelligence in its job as a personal trainer that enables users ...

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Oyooni: a deep learning-based arabic assistant for visually impaired people / Sami Alan Abdullah ; Najdat Al-Akkad ; Hala Kassab ; Dana Al Kailani ; Abdurrahman Qusaibaty

Since the beginning of time, visually impaired people have been relying on other senses to interpret their surroundings and ...

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Total Books: 1 - 2 /2