Electronic Books

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IPv6 in Practice

This book is a practical guide to IPv6 addressing Unix and network administrators with experience in TCP/IP(v4) but not necessarily ...

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Running IPv6

Running IPv6 explains how to install and operate the IPv6 protocol for Windows XP, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Red Hat Linux, and ...

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Scalable Infrastructure for Distributed Sensor Networks

The book tackles the problems that must be addressed before sensors are deployed for surveillance, tracking, and other monitoring ...

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Technologies for Advanced Heterogeneous Networks II

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second Asian Internet Engineering Conference, AINTEC 2006, held in ...

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The Austin Protocol Compiler

The Austin Protocol Compiler presents a protocol specification language called the Timed Abstract Protocol (TAP) notation. ...

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Understanding IPv6

Covers the basic materials and up-to-date information to understand IPv6, including site local address often overlooked by ...

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