Electronic Books

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Fare astronomia con piccoli telescopi = Are astronomy with small telescopes

Giant tools are not necessarily required to produce scientifically valid results in the field of astronomy. Even the amateur ...

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Il cielo sopra Roma : I luoghi dell’astronomia = The sky above Rome: The places of astronomy

Astronomy in Rome has always been there, but a little hidden: it was in the palaces, in the churches or, better, above the ...

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La musica del Big Bang : Come la radiazione cosmica di fondo ci ha svelato i segreti dell’Universo = The music of the Big Bang: How the cosmic background radiation revealed the secrets of the Universe to us

Cosmic microwave background radiation is the residue of the great heat following the Big Bang. A tenuous sign, over 13 billion ...

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L’osservazione delle stelle variabili = The observation of variable stars

The observation of variable stars is one of the main contributions that amateur astronomers can offer to science and this ...

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