Electronic Books

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Aeronomy of the Middle Atmosphere

The science of the ozone layer and its interactions with halogenated chemical compounds are the primary subjects of this ...

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Aerosol Optics : Light Absorption and Scattering by Particles in the Atmosphere

is book provides a comprehensive review of available techniques for the remote sensing of aerosols. Although mostly satellite ...

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Analytical Methods for Problems of Molecular Transport

"This book is designed to serve a dual function. It is intended that it be capable of serving as a teaching instrument, ...

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Atmospheric Aerosol Properties

An increasing interest in studies of atmospheric aerosols in the context of their impact on the formation of climate, heterogeneous ...

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Boreal Forest and Climate Change

There are several crucial feedbacks from forests to the climate system. The mechanisms for those feedbacks are elaborated ...

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Climate Variability and Extremes during the Past 100 Years

This volume provides an up to date overview of climate variability during the 20th century in the context of natural and ...

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Cold Region Atmospheric and Hydrologic Studies. The Mackenzie GEWEX Experience : Volume 1: Atmospheric Dynamics

This book presents decade-long advances in atmospheric research in the Mackenzie River Basin in northern Canada, which encompasses ...

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Global Climatology and Ecodynamics : Anthropogenic Changes to Planet Earth

The purpose of the book is to summarize existing information and assess the level of these uncertainties. We want to stimulate ...

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Written by leading experts in optical radar, or lidar, this book brings all the recent practices up-to-date and covers a ...

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Mass Vaccination: Global Aspects - Progress and Obstacles

Mass immunization is the blitzkrieg of vaccination practice. It serves to rapidly protect populations, both because of the ...

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Measuring Precipitation from Space

More than 20 years after the last book on the subject the worldwide precipitation community has produced a comprehensive ...

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Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols ; 17th International Conference, Galway, Ireland, 2007

Atmospheric particles are ubiquitous in the atmosphere: they form the seeds for cloud droplets and they form haze layers, ...

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Observing Systems for Atmospheric Composition

The new challenge in atmospheric chemistry is to understand the intercontinental transport and transformation of gases and ...

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Ocean Waves Breaking and Marine Aerosol Fluxes

This book presents a comprehensive study on the breaking of surface waves induced by wind and the relationship of breaking ...

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Planetary Atmospheric Electricity

This volume presents our contemporary understanding of atmospheric electricity at Earth and in other solar system atmospheres. ...

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Regional Climate Variability and its Impacts in The Mediterranean Area

Global change due to natural processes and anthropogenic activity as well as the natural variability of the climate system ...

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Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere for Environmental Security

The first part of these proceedings describes the current capabilities of various satellite experiments which are performing ...

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Scattering from Model Nonspherical Particles

The scattering of electromagnetic radiation by nonspherical particles has become an increasingly important research topic ...

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Small Satellites for Earth Observation

This book deals with different aspects of small satellites for Earth observation: programmatics, current and planned Earth ...

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Solar Variability and Planetary Climates

The SSSI volume on Solar Variability and Climate reviewed the to-date understanding of the physics of solar variability and ...

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Total Books: 1 - 20 /21