Electronic Books

Total Books: 1 - 5 /5
Auriculothérapie : Acupuncture auriculaire = Auriculotherapy: Auricular acupuncture

The auricle is a privileged place to observe and treat patients reflexively. It is endowed with both a particularly rich ...

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Le silence de l’aiguille : Quand le Yi Jing éclaire les transformations induites par l’acupuncture = The silence of the needle: When Yi Jing illuminates the transformations induced by acupuncture

This book deals with change, a notion little approached in the West. It draws on the Yi Jing, the classic of changes, as ...

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L’esprit de l’aiguille : L’apport du Yi Jing à la pratique de l’acupuncture

This book presents the result of research and reflections of more than twenty years on the links that exist between Yi Jing ...

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Nez, gorge, oreille en médecine traditionelle chinoise

ENT doctor for forty years, acupuncturist for thirty years, Bernard Cygler occupies a privileged position between "West" ...

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Une introduction à la médecine traditionnelle chinoise

Cette brève introduction aux théories qui constituent le socle de la médecine chinoise apporte un nouvel éclairage ...

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Total Books: 1 - 5 /5