Publication year: 2005
ISBN: 978-3-540-31726-5
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This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Symposium on Computational Life Sciences, CompLife 2005, held in Konstanz, Germany in September 2005. The integration of knowledge in the life sciences is continuing apace with ev- increasingimportancebeing placedoncomputer-basedmethodsofdata capture, analysis, and knowledge representation. Today, our many di?erent sciences are providing us with a sea of information: it is the handling of this in?ux that is becoming a key discovery and regulatory question. The solutions to these problems will result in advancements to all of the involved sciences and will be highly in?uential both in the selection of the areas scientists seek to investigate and also on their success. For this to happen, it is crucial to establish an open and lively exchange between computer scientists, biologists, and chemists. To encourage precisely this type of exchange, crossing the borders of the sciences, we organized the 1st Symposium on Computational Life Science in Konstanz, Germany(September 25 27,2005).
Subject: Computer Science, 3d protein alignment, Alignment, Annotation, LA, RNA, architecture, bioinformatics, biology, clustering, data integration, data management, data mining, genome, medical data processing, neural networks