Book Details


Teacher Quality, Instructional Quality and Student Outcomes : Relationships Across Countries, Cohorts and Time

Publication year: 2016

ISBN: 978-3-319-41252-8

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This volume offers insights from modeling relations between teacher quality, instructional quality and student outcomes in mathematics across countries. The relations explored take the educational context, such as school climate, into account. The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement’s Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) is the only international large-scale study possessing a design framework that enables investigation of relations between teachers, their teaching, and student outcomes in mathematics. TIMSS provides both student achievement data and contextual background data from schools, teachers, students and parents, for over 60 countries.

Subject: Education, Assessment, Testing and Evaluation, Mathematics Education, Learning & Instruction, Statistics for Social Sciences, Humanities, Law, Teacher quality, Instructional quality, Mathematics achievement, Motivation in mathematics, TIMSS, School climate, Bullying, Reading in mathematics, International large scale assessment, Quantitative methods, ILSA