Book Details


Biomedical Data Mining for Information Retrieval: Methodologies, Techniques, and Applications / Sujata Dash, Subhendu Kumar Pani, S. Balamurugan, Ajith Abraham

Publication year: 2021

ISBN: 111971124X

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Discusses data mining, biomedical image processing, information retrieval with broad coverage of basic scientific applications. covers the topic of mining biomedical text, images and visual features towards information retrieval. Biomedical and health informatics is an emerging field of research at the intersection of information science, computer science, and healthcare and brings tremendous opportunities and challenges due to easily available and abundant biomedical data for further analysis. The aim of healthcare informatics is to ensure the high-quality, efficient healthcare, better treatment and quality of life by analyzing biomedical and healthcare data including patient’s data, electronic health records (EHRs) and lifestyle. Previously, it was a common requirement to have a domain expert to develop a model for biomedical or healthcare; however, recent advancements in representation learning algorithms allows us to automatically to develop the model. Biomedical image mining, a novel research area, due to the vast amount of available biomedical images, increasingly generates and stores digitally.

Subject: Database, Data Warehousing Technologies, Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery, Medical informatics, Information retrieval, Artificial Intelligence in Bioinformatics, Predictive Analysis in Healthcare, Biomedical Big Data Analytics, Deep Learning in Health Informatics, Medical Image Analysis,