Electronic Books

Total Books: 1181 - 1186 /1186
Womens Health in Clinical Practice : A Handbook for Primary Care

Traditionally, women’s health has been synonymous with obstetrics and gynecology. With the exception of Family Medicine ...

Wound Healing and Ulcers of the Skin

Not only written by experts but the content of each of the chapters has also been peer-reviewed.- Presents a step-by-step ...

Wound antiseptics in nosocomial infections ألين الأمير ؛ راما زهوة ؛ يارا ابو هالة ؛ رنا نعنوس ؛ إشراف د. لؤي جمعة

"Nosocomial" term is used for any disease acquired by patient under medical care. It is an infection acquired by patient ...

Your body and stress : How it affects you and how you can manage it دانة التكريتي ؛ لجين شداد ؛ دينا الحجار ؛ مرح الشويكي ؛ إشراف د. عمار الراعي

Any intrinsic or extrinsic stimulus that evokes a biological response is known as stress. The compensatory responses to these ...

eHealth Solutions for Healthcare Disparities

eHealth Solutions for Health Care Disparities brings these currents together, challenging readers to use, promote, and develop ...

Évaluation des troubles neuropsychologiques en vie quotidienne

Neurological diseases such as stroke, head trauma, Alzheimer's disease pose a public health problem. They affect all ages, ...

Total Books: 1181 - 1186 /1186