Electronic Books

Total Books: 1101 - 1107 /1107
Wood and Tree Fungi

Wood and Tree Fungi" provides an up-to-date overview of the various wood and tree fungi that damage trees, lumber, and timber, ...

Workflow in the 2007 Microsoft Office System

This book covers anything you're likely going to need to know—from what workflow is all about, to creating new Activities; ...

Wound antiseptics in nosocomial infections ألين الأمير ؛ راما زهوة ؛ يارا ابو هالة ؛ رنا نعنوس ؛ إشراف د. لؤي جمعة

"Nosocomial" term is used for any disease acquired by patient under medical care. It is an infection acquired by patient ...

Yeast as Tool in Cancer Research

The collection of articles in this volume explores the use of yeast in pathway analysis and drug discovery. Using yeast in ...

Your body and stress : How it affects you and how you can manage it دانة التكريتي ؛ لجين شداد ؛ دينا الحجار ؛ مرح الشويكي ؛ إشراف د. عمار الراعي

Any intrinsic or extrinsic stimulus that evokes a biological response is known as stress. The compensatory responses to these ...

Youth Transitions among Descendants of Turkish Immigrants in Amsterdam and Strasbourg:

Maps the youth transitions of descendants of migrants from Turkey living in Amsterdam and Strasbourg, through a comparative ...

Évaluation des troubles neuropsychologiques en vie quotidienne

Neurological diseases such as stroke, head trauma, Alzheimer's disease pose a public health problem. They affect all ages, ...

Total Books: 1101 - 1107 /1107