Electronic Books

Total Books: 9801 - 9820 /10215
Tuberculosis in Adults and Children

This work contains updated and clinically relevant information about tuberculosis. It is aimed at providing a succinct overview ...

Tumeurs endocrines thoraciques et digestives = Thoracic and digestive endocrine tumors

There is little literature on digestive and thoracic endocrine tumors. The complexity of their management, often entrusted ...

Tumor Ablation

Tumor ablation is undoubtedly the most exciting and high profile procedure currently in interventional radiology. This useful ...

Tumor Angiogenesis : Basic Mechanisms and Cancer Therapy

Preface Tumor development and progression occur as a result of cumulative acquisition of genetic alterations affecting oncogenes ...

Tumor Immunology and Cancer Vaccines

It all started with an observation. Edward Jenner, an English physician, observed that milkmaids who contracted cowpox were ...

Tumor Prevention and Genetics III

Identification of cancer risk factors and potential prevention strategies have been some of the most important medical and ...

Tunnel Design Methods / Antonio Bobet, Herbert H. Einstein

Covers analytical, numerical and empirical methods for the design of tunnels in soil and in rock. It gives detailed analytical ...

Tunnelling and Tunnel Mechanics

The book covers not only practical aspects but also the underlying theoretical approaches. It also covers the fundamentals ...

Turbo Code Applications

Turbo Code Applications: a journey from a paper to realization presents c- temporary applications of turbo codes in thirteen ...


This book covers most of the subjects that are requested by engineers, those who are directly involved in design and manufacturing ...

Turbulence and Diffusion : Scaling Versus Equations

This book is an introduction to the multidisciplinary field of anomalous diffusion in complex systems, with emphasis on the ...

Turbulence in Fluids : Fourth Revised and Enlarged Edition

This is the 4th edition of a book originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers. It is an exhaustive monograph on turbulence ...

Turbulence, Dynamos, Accretion Disks, Pulsars and Collective Plasma Processes : First Kodai-Trieste Workshop on Plasma Astrophysics Held at the Kodaikanal Observatory Kodaikanal, India, August 27 – September 7, 2007

It is well established and appreciated by now that more than 99% of the baryonic matter in the universe is in the plasma ...

Turbulent Shear Layers in Supersonic Flow

A good understanding of turbulent compressible flows is essential to the design and operation of high-speed vehicles. Such ...

Turmeric and Curcumin for Neurodegenerative Diseases / Magisetty Obulesu

Examines protective mechanisms of turmeric products and novel nanotechnological therapeutics and biomaterial design strategies ...

Turning Hydropower Social : Where Global Sustainability ConventionsMatter

This book concerns footprints of the international environmental conventions in action. Hydropower projects have been selected ...

Turning up the Heat on Pain: TRPV1 Receptors in Pain and Inflammation

In Chapter 1 of this volume, Janos Szolcsányi reviews this early research, which culminated with the seminal studies of ...

Turnpike Properties in the Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control

This book is devoted to the recent progress on the turnpike theory. The turnpike property was discovered by Paul A. Samuelson, ...

Tutorials in Mathematical Biosciences I

This volume introduces some basic theories on computational neuroscience. Chapter 1 is a brief introduction to neurons, tailored ...

Tutorials in Mathematical Biosciences II

This book presents a series of models in the general area of cell physiology and signal transduction, with particular attention ...

Total Books: 9801 - 9820 /10215