Electronic Books

Total Books: 401 - 404 /404
Your Skin is Your Mirror آية المفلح ؛ إشراف د. أحمد فلاح

Skin is a significant part of a body involve protect yourself from foreign body and harmful substance also maintains the ...

Your body and stress : How it affects you and how you can manage it دانة التكريتي ؛ لجين شداد ؛ دينا الحجار ؛ مرح الشويكي ؛ إشراف د. عمار الراعي

Any intrinsic or extrinsic stimulus that evokes a biological response is known as stress. The compensatory responses to these ...

e-Business and Telecommunication Networks

This book contains the best papers of the First International Conference on e-Business and Telecommunication Networks (ICETE ...

Évaluation des troubles neuropsychologiques en vie quotidienne

Neurological diseases such as stroke, head trauma, Alzheimer's disease pose a public health problem. They affect all ages, ...

Total Books: 401 - 404 /404