Electronic Books

Total Books: 341 - 346 /346
Vitamin E in Human Health / Peter Weber, Marc Birringer, Jeffrey B. Blumberg, Manfred Eggersdorfer, Jan Frank

Examines the role of vitamin E as an essential micronutrient in human health and its extensive clinical benefits. Sections ...

Voltage-Sensitive Ion Channels : Biophysics of Molecular Excitability

The goal of this book is to explore the complexity of a microscopic bit of matter that exists in a myriad of copies within ...

Weak Links

How can our societies be stabilized in a crisis? Why can we enjoy and understand Shakespeare? Why are fruitflies uniform? ...

What Sustains Life?

What Sustains Life? How can something so seemingly improbable and fragile as life exist in such hardy and resilient forms? ...

Yeast as Tool in Cancer Research

The collection of articles in this volume explores the use of yeast in pathway analysis and drug discovery. Using yeast in ...

Zinc Finger Proteins

The scientists discovered a novel domain associated with zinc, and named this domain "zinc finger. " Th e number of proteins ...

Total Books: 341 - 346 /346