Electronic Books

Total Books: 21 - 30 /30
The Impact of Money Laundering on Economy Syrian Banks راما محمد منذر الشليان ؛ محمد غسان فؤاد الدقر ؛ مؤمن باسم المراياتي ؛ إشراف د. رازي محي الدين

The aim of the research is to know the conditions that society is going through, the sanctions, the spread of corruption, ...

The Impact of Voluntary Disclosure on Financial Performance: An Applied Study on Banks and Insurance Companies Listed in DSE رولا زياد الوتار ؛ محمد البرغلي ؛ عبد الرحمن عماد الدين الزوى ؛ إشراف د. رشا الجرد

The aims of the study were to clarify the impact of voluntary disclosures on the return on assets, clarify the impact of ...

The Lebanese financial crisis and it’s impact on Syrian Bank ليان محمد سعيد راز ؛ لبنى محمد رشاد البري ؛ لين أنس عثمان ؛ إشراف د. رازي محي الدين

Lebanon is now facing a deep financial crisis, and commercial banks face the worse liquidity stress in the country’s history. ...

The Private Sphere : An Emotional Territory And Its Agent

The non-interference perspective is common when theorizing about the protection of the private life of individuals and their ...

The determinants of conventional Syrian banks profitability زينب رزوق ؛ مروة مرعي ؛ ليندا قاسم ؛ إشراف د. علاء صالحاني

The primary objective of this study is to examine the impact of bank specific characteristics and macroeconomic variables ...

The impact of financial leverage and operational efficiency on the profitability of Syrian banks using Dupont model بنان وليد بدر ؛ مرح وليد الملاح ؛ بيان محمد مهدي محي الدين غنام ؛ إشراف د. ليلاس اللحام

The study aims to reveal the influence of the financial leverage and operational efficiency on the profitability of Syrian ...

The impact of the size of the capital on the performance indicators of traditional private bank لانا بندقجي، روى عبيد، هديل عوض ؛ إشراف د. رازي محي الدين

The financial performance of banks is affected by many variables, including the size of the capital. The size of the capital ...

The role of private banks in achieving economic development in Syria أحمد محمد شكاكي ؛ محمد خير الله الشعار ؛ إشراف د. راما العطار

This study aims to assess the role of the private banks in the economic development in Syria. The annual data of the financial ...

The role of six sigma culture in supporting the organizational culture in Syrian banks محمد طارق علي كردي ؛ عبد الرحمن كنان محمد شورى ؛ نورس أحمد مدني ؛ أحمد يوسف الطحان ؛ إشراف د. ليلاس اللحام

This study aimed to try to try to highlight on the impact of the new administrative methodologies (six sigma) on the culture ...

Using CAMELS as an early warning indicator to predict financial failure in Syrian banks during Covid-19 (Analytical study on a sample of Syrian banks) أماني محمد ياسر سيف ؛ هديل سليم رغفان ؛ سارة مصطفى حزريني ؛ إشراف د. ليلاس اللحام

Banks play an important role in financing economic development through their impact on the performance and effectiveness ...

Total Books: 21 - 30 /30