Electronic Books

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Bevande analcoliche : Piacere, libertá, responsabilitá = Soft drinks: Enjoyment, freedom, responsibility

The increase in physical activity and responsible moderation in the intake of food and drinks represent the best strategy ...

Glucoszmine and Chondroitin between reality and tllusion / Ruba Diab ; Shaza Mallas

Despite the development of cancer treatments and the introduction of new treatments other than traditional treatments, the ...

Sago Palm

This book addresses a wide variety of events and technologies concerning the sago palm, ranging from its botanical characteristics, ...

Sugar and Skin health / Lujain Abou Okdeh ; Rama Ardromly ; Batool Saleh ; Evon Saadeh

Carbohydrates are an important source of energy for the body. Some types are more healthful than others. For instance, dietary ...

Transactions on Computational Systems Biology IX

This book contains four highly detailed papers. The first paper focuses on quantitative aspects of the bgl operon for E.coli. ...

Total Books: 1 - 5 /5