Electronic Books

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3rd Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering 2006

The Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (Biomed 2006) was held from 11 to 14 December 2006 at ...

A First Course in Statistics for Signal Analysis

This essentially self-contained, deliberately compact, and user-friendly textbook is designed for a first, one-semester course ...

A First Course in Statistics for Signal Analysis

This essentially self-contained, deliberately compact, and user-friendly textbook is designed for a first, one-semester course ...

Communication Systems

Presents main concepts of mobile communication systems, both analog and digitalIntroduces concepts of probability, random ...

Pseudo-Differential Operators : Quantization and Signals

Pseudo-differential operators were initiated by Kohn, Nirenberg and Hörmander in the sixties of the last century. Beside ...

Representations, Wavelets, and Frames : A Celebration of the Mathematical Work of Lawrence W. Baggett

Motivated by applications, an underlying theme in analysis is that of finding bases and understanding the transforms that ...

Systematic Modeling and Analysis of Telecom Frontends and their Building Blocks

This book reports on research in the field of methods for modeling and analysis of telecommunication frontends and their ...

Time--Frequency and Time--Scale Methods

Developed in this book are several deep connections between time--frequency (Fourier/Gabor) analysis and time--scale (wavelet) ...

Vision with Direction

Image analysis is a computational feat which humans show excellence in, in comp- ison with computers. Yet the list of applications ...

Wavelets and Signal Processing

As the applications of wavelet transform have spread to diverse areas of signal analysis and compression, students and practitioners ...

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