Electronic Books

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A History of Physical Theories of Comets, From Aristotle to Whipple

The book describes the major physical theories of comets in the past two millennia. It demonstrates the evolution of ideas ...

Catastrophic Events Caused by Cosmic Objects

Many times all of us could hear from mass media that an asteroid approached and swept past the Earth. Such an asteroid or ...

Comet, Asteroid Impacts and Human Society : An Interdisciplinary Approach

Leading specialists in various disciplines were first invited to a multidisciplinary workshop funded by ICSU on the topic ...


The book covers the most recent ideas about the nature and dynamics of comets, including a thorough discussion on Oort cloud ...

Handbook of Solar-Terrestrial Environment

Recognized international leaders in their field contribute basic topics of solar physics, space plasmas and the Earth's ...

Solar System Astrophysics : Planetary Atmospheres and the Outer Solar System

Solar System Astrophysics opens with coverage of the atmospheres, ionospheres and magnetospheres of the Earth, Venus and ...

Solar System Update

This book, the first in a series of forthcoming volumes, consists of topical and timely reviews of a number of carefully ...

Trans-Neptunian Objects and Comets

In the last two decades of the 20th century, we obtained our first detailed look at a cometary nucleus and detected objects ...

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