Electronic Books

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Amazing Numbers in Biology

With hundreds of tables and over 10,000 entries anyone who works or studies in the life sciences or those with a curious ...

Branching Morphogenesis

Branching morphogenesis, the creation of branched structures in the body, is a key feature of animal and plant development. ...

Digital Design of Nature

The reproduction of nature via computer has fascinated scientists in computer graphics and artists ever since synthetic imaging ...

Phenolic Compound Biochemistry

This book is written for researchers, instructors, advanced undergraduate students and beginning graduate students in the ...

Plant Disease Epidemiology: Facing Challenges of the 21st Century

This book provides an overview of some of the latest research in plant disease epidemiology from researchers at the cutting ...

Spectroscopic Data of Steroid Glycosides: Cholestanes, Ergostanes, Withanolides, Stigmastane ; Volume 1

Spectroscopic Data of Steroid Glycosides serves as an essential reference guide containing spectroscopic, physical and biological ...

The Apoplast of higher plants: Compartment of Storage, Transport and Reactions

The book summarizes the experimental work conducted during a trans-disciplinary research programme funded for six years by ...

The History of Allelopathy

This book firstly addresses the question of what is allelopathy, as allelopathy is one of these unfortunate terms in ecology ...

World Spice Plants

This book addresses the need to disseminate scientific knowledge of the complex world of spice plants to a wide audience ...

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