Book Details

Projective and Cayley-Klein Geometries

Publication year: 2006

: 978-3-540-35645-5


Projective geometry, and the Cayley-Klein geometries is one of the foundations of algebraic geometry and has many applications to differential geometry.The book presents a systematic introduction to projective geometry as based on the notion of vector space, which is the central topic of the first chapter. The second chapter covers the most important classical geometries which are systematically developed following the principle founded by Cayley and Klein, which rely on distinguishing an absolute and then studying the resulting invariants of geometric objects. An appendix collects brief accounts of some fundamental notions from algebra and topology with corresponding references to the literature.

: Mathematics and Statistics, Cayley-Klein Geometry, Classical Groups, Elliptic Geometry, Finite, Homogenous Spaces, Hyperbolic Geometry, Invariant, Möbius Geometry, Projective Geometry, Symplectic Geometry, Topology, Transformation Groups, algebra, geometry