Book Details

Handbook of Normal Frames and Coordinates

Publication year: 2006

: 978-3-7643-7619-2


This book provides the first comprehensive and complete overview on results and methods concerning normal frames and coordinates in differential geometry, with emphasis on vector and differentiable bundles. The book can be used as a reference manual, for reviewing the existing results and as an introduction to some new ideas and developments. Virtually all essential results and methods concerning normal frames and coordinates are presented, most of them with full proofs, in some cases using new approaches.All classical results are expanded and generalized in various directions. For example, normal frames and coordinates are defined and investigated for different kinds of derivations, in particular for (possibly linear) connections on manifolds, with or without torsion, in vector bundles and on differentiable bundles; they are explored also for (possibly parallel) transports along paths in vector bundles. Theorems of existence, uniqueness and, possibly, holonomicity of normal frames and coordinates are proved; mostly, the proofs are constructive and some of their parts can be used independently for other tasks.

: Mathematics and Statistics, curvature, differential geometry, fibre bundle, manifold, normal frame, vector bundle