Book Details

Genetic Programming (vol. # 3905)

Publication year: 2006

: 978-3-540-33144-5


This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP 2006, held in Budapest, Hungary, in April 2006, colocated with EvoCOP 2006. The 21 revised plenary papers and 11 revised poster papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 59 submissions. The papers address fundamental and theoretical issues, along with a wide variety of papers dealing with different application areas, such as computer science, engineering, machine learning, Kolmogorov complexity, biology and computational design.

: Computer Science, adaptive systems, classification, complexity, design, evolution, evolutionary algorithms, evolutionary optimization, evolutionary programming, evolvable systems, genetic algorithms, genetic programming, grammatical evolution, programming, structured analysis, validation