Book Details

Articulated Motion and Doformable Objects

Publication year: 2006

: 978-3-540-36032-2


The subject of the conference was ongoing research in articulated motionon a sequence of images and sophisticated models for deformable objects. Thegoals of these areas are to understand and interpret the motion of complexobjects that can be found in sequences of images in the real world. The maintopics considered as priority were: geometric and physical deformable models,motion analysis, articulated models and animation, modelling and visualizationof deformable models, deformable models applications, motion analysis applica-tions, single or multiple human motion analysis and synthesis, face modelling,tracking, recovering and recognition models, virtual and augmentedreality, haptics devices, biometrics techniques.

: Computer Science, 3D recovery, Augmented Reality, Multimedia, Simulation, Stereo, algorithms, animation, articulated models, articulated motion, biometrics, cognition, computer vision, human tracking, learning, visualization