Book Details

Person-Centered Health Records

Publication year: 2005

: 978-0-387-27375-4


The book consists of three important sections. Section I addresses how the new person-centered system will change the way individuals care for their own health, giving them health records that accompany them throughout their lives, across the full range of experiences that affect their health. Section II lays out considerations involved in building new systems, including the need to address human factors such as control and ownership and the difficulties involved in relearning and learning to function in changed workflow environments. The third section focuses on approaches to transformation including focuses on delivering change, open source health systems, critical standards convergence, and person-centered systems now in place outside the United States. Chapter highlights include Clinical Impact, Human Factors, Health Security and Privacy, Critical Standards Convergence, and much more.

: Medicine, health, health care, healthcare, hospital, standardization