Book Details

Gaming, Simulations and Society

Publication year: 2005

: 978-4-431-26797-3


The Japan Association of Simulation & Gaming (JASAG) and the Science Council of Japan (SCJ) hosted ISAGA 2003, the 34th annual conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association (ISAGA), at Kazusa Akademia Park in Kisarazu, Japan,August 25–29, 2003. About 450 participants and guests attended,with 330 from Japan and 101 from 34 other countries. The number of submitted papers and reports exceeded 210, and in addition, many poster presentations and experiential sessions were held. This book is made up of 30 papers submitted to ISAGA 2003 and provides a good example of the diverse scope and standard of research achieved in simu- tion and gaming today.The theme of ISAGA 2003 was “Social Contributions and Responsibilities of Simulation and Gaming.”

: Humanities, Social Science and Law, Design, Moral, Motivation, Simulation, algorithms, business, communication, decision making, education, environment, genetic algorithms, modeling, nature, political, science psychology