Book Details

Combinatorial Image Analysis

Publication year: 2005

: 978-3-540-30503-3


This volume presents the proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis,held 2004, in Auckland, New Zealand. For this workshop we received 86 submitted papers from 23 countries. . We selected 55 papers for the conference. completed the program. Conference papers are presented in this volume under the following topical part titles: discrete tomography (3 papers), combinatorics and computational models (6), combinatorial algorithms (6), combinatorial mathematics (4), d- ital topology (7), digital geometry (7), approximation of digital sets by curves and surfaces (5), algebraic approaches (5), fuzzy image analysis (2), image s- mentation (6), and matching and recognition (7). These subjects are dealt with in the context of digital image analysis or computer vision.

: Computer Science, Analysis, Graph, Matching, algorithms, combinatorial image analysis, combinatorics, computational geometry, digital geometry, digital image analysis, digital topology, discrete tomography, geometric algorithms, image analysis, image processing, topology