Book Details

Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies

Publication year: 2005

: 978-3-540-32107-1


APPT 2005: the 6th International Workshop on Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies. APPT is a biennial workshop on parallel and distributed processing. Its scope covers all aspects of parallel and distributed computing technologies , including architectures, software systems and tools, algorithms, and applications. This year, APPT 2005 received over 220 submissions from researchers all over the world. . The papers in this volume represent the forefront of research on parallel processing and related ?elds by researchers from China, Germany, USA, Korea, India, and other countries. The papers - cepted cover a wide range of exciting topics, including architectures, software, networking, and applications.

: Computer Science, Multimedia, OpenMP, Struts ad, hoc networks, algorithm, algorithms, caching, calculus, database, distributed computing, distributed systems, grid computing, high performance computing, mobile computing, parallel algorithms