Book Details

Elementary Physics of Complex Plasmas

Publication year: 2008

: 978-3-540-29003-2


Complex plasmas are dusty plasmas in which the density and electric charges of the dust grains are sufficiently high to induce long-range grain-grain interactions, as well as strong absorption of charged-plasma components. Together with the sources replenishing the plasma such systems form a highly dissipative thermodynamically open system that exhibits many features of collective behaviour generally found in complex systems. Most notably among them are self-organized patterns such as plasma crystals, plasma clusters, dust stars and further spectacular new structures. Beyond their intrinsic scientific interest, the study of complex plasmas grows in importance in a great variety of fields, ranging from space-plasma sciences to applied fields such as plasma processing, thin-film deposition and even the production of computer chips by plasma etching, in which strongly interacting clouds of complex plasmas can cause major contamination of the final product.

: Physics and Astronomy, Complex Plasmas, Dusty Plasmas, Plasma, Plasma Cluster, Plasma Crystals, Stardusty plasma, Atoms and Molecules in Strong Fields, Laser Matter Interaction, Nuclear Physics, Heavy Ions, Hadrons, Plasma Physics, Space Sciences, Complex Systems, Soft and Granular Matter, Complex Fluids and Microfluidics