Book Details

Power Distribution Networks with On-Chip Decoupling Capacitors

Publication year: 2008

: 978-0-387-71601-5


The book provides insight and intuition into the behavior and design of integrated circuit-based power distribution systems.The book has three primary objectives. The first is to describe the impedance characteristics of the overall power distribution system, from the voltage regulator through the printed circuit board and package onto the integrated circuit to the power terminals of the on-chip circuitry. The second is to discuss the inductive characteristics of on-chip power distribution grids and the related circuit behavior of these structures. The third objective is to present design methodologies for effciently placing on-chip decoupling capacitors in nanoscale integrated circuits.

: Engineering, Capacitors, Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Friedman, Mezhiba, Networks, On-Chip Decoupling, Popovich, Power Distribution, algorithms, integrated circuit