Book Details

L’isomorphisme entre les tours de Lubin-Tate et de Drinfeld = The isomorphism between the Lubin-Tate and Drinfeld towers

Publication year: 2008

: 978-3-7643-8456-2


This book contains a detailed and complete demonstration of the existence of an equivariate isomorphism between the Lubin-Tate and Drinfeld p-adic turns. The result is established in equal and unequal characteristics. There is also given as an application a proof that the equivariant cohomologies of these two turns are isomorphic, a result which has applications to the study of the local Langlands correspondence. During the proof, reminders and complements are given on the structure of the two preceding moduli spaces, the p-divisible formal groups and the p-adic rigid analytical geometry.

: Mathematics and Statistics, Drinfield theory, Lubin-Tate theory, cohomology, isomorphism, projectice limit, Dronfield theory, projective limit, Algebraic Geometry, Number Theory