Book Details

Ontology Management : Semantic Web, Semantic Web Services, and Business Applications

Publication year: 2008

: 978-0-387-69900-4


This volume describes relevant tasks, practical and theoretical challenges, limitations and methodologies, plus available software tools. The editors discuss integrating the conceptual and technical dimensions with a business view on using ontologies, by stressing the cost dimension of ontology engineering and by providing guidance on how up-to-date tooling helps to build, maintain, and use ontologies.  Also included is a one-stop reference on all aspects of managing ontological data and best practices on ontology management for a number of application domains.

: Computer Science, Alignment, Applications, Ontologies, Ontology Management, Semantic Web, Semantic Web Services, Web, information system, knowledge engineering, knowledge management, ontology, organization, search engine marketing (SEM), Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet), Computer Science, general, Artificial Intelligence, Information Systems and Communication Service, eCommerce, e-business, Database Management