Book Details

Approche pratique de la couverture des pertes de substance cutanée de la main et des doigts = Practical Approach to Covering Skin Losses from the Hand and Fingers

Publication year: 2007

: 978-2-287-72096-3


This book is neither a summary nor an encyclopedia devoted to the treatment of loss of skin substance in the hand. There are currently excellent books that can serve as a reference, at any time, for the treatment of any skin defect, of the hand ... or elsewhere. We wanted a completely different perspective on trauma management open by hand, while respecting the spirit of the “Practical Approach” collection directed by Christian Fontaine: a simple presentation diagram, relatively stereotypical, a rich and varied iconography, tips and tricks, in short, an anthology of technical details and answers to the most common questions about hand flap surgery.

: Medicine, Orthopedics, Conservative Orthopedics, Surgical Orthopedics, Chirurgie plastique, Chirurgie réparatrice, Lambeau de la main, Main, Reconstruction tissulaire, Traumatisme, Plastic surgery, Reconstructive surgery, Hand flap, Hand, Tissue reconstruction, Trauma