Book Details

Casting: An Analytical Approach

Publication year: 2007

: 978-1-84628-850-0


For a long time, the die cast industry has used trial and error as a leading development method, resulting in tremendous growth in the utilisation of available CFD (computational fluid dynamics) software. This software allows the development of better products that maximise the advantages the die cast process has to offer. Casting: An Analytical Approach will refresh knowledge of the governing laws of the fluid dynamics that have an effect on die cast die and die cast process design. MATLAB® (MathWorks, Inc.) and Visual Basic® (Microsoft) code are listed in Casting: An Analytical Approach for every stage of product, die and die cast process design; providing better understanding of die and process design and simplifying calculations of the die cast die as well as the die cast process. Gas ventilation system calculations and fundamentals of compressible gas flow are also included.

: Engineering, Die Cast Process Analysis, Die Cast Process Design, Die Cast Tool Design, Die Casting, Perl, Simulation, Visual Basic, computational fluid dynamics, fluid dynamics, metal