Book Details

Multirate Statistical Signal Processing

Publication year: 2007

: 978-1-4020-5317-7


This book introduces a statistical theory for extracting information from signals that have di?erent sampling rates. This new theory generalizes the conventional (deterministic) theory of multirate systems beyond many of its constraints.Furthermore,itallowsfortheformulationofseveralnewproblems such as spectrum estimation, time-delay estimation and sensor fusion in the realm of multirate signal processing. I have arrived at the theory presented here by integrating concepts from diverse areas such as information theory, inverse problems and theory of - equalities. The process of merging a variety of concepts of di?erent origin results in both merits and shortcomings. The former include the fresh and - di?erentiated view of an amateur, providing scope of application. The latter include a lack of in-depth experience in each of the original ?elds. Granted, this may lead to gaps in continuity, however it goes without saying that a complete theory can seldom be achieved by one person and in a short time.

: Engineering, Sensor, Signal, algorithm, communication, digital signal processor, filter, information, information theory, integrated circuit, linear optimization, signal processing, static-induction transistor