Enhancing Education Quality Assurance Using Data Mining - Case Study: Arab International University Systems

  • 26 Mar 2022
  • Published Resarch - Informatics & Communication


Faek Diko, Zaidoun ALzoabi and Mouhib Alnoukari

Published in

Conference: Third European Quality Assurance Forum, Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Hungary, 2008.



In this paper we introduce a comprehensive educational quality assurance system for a university. The system takes into consideration the three main pillars of the educational process: content, delivery, and assessment. We will demonstrate a comprehensive system that enables quality control and quality assurance using data mining combining data from Quality Assurance Automated System QAAS, the Academic System, HR System, and Financial System focusing on various performance indicators in the aforementioned three pillars.

We will explain the system through a real-life case, where this system produced valuable information in a way that helped Arab International University (AIU)-Syria to make use of the vast data produced by its main four systems to uncover hidden trends, knowledge, and quality deficiencies making it easier to the decision maker to plan, assure and control quality.

Keywords: quality assurance, data mining, QAAS, higher education.

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