Prof. Dr. MHD Said Desouki

Prof. Dr. MHD Said Desouki

Professor at the Informatics and Communication Faculty in AIU the Arab International University, and teacher of the Database (1), Database(2), and Compiler Design courses, from 22/2/2020.
Vice dean for scientific affairs in the faculty of higher studies at ARAEB Arab Academy for E-Business, and teacher of the Introduction to Database Systems, E-Goverment, and ICT for Development courses 2019-2020.
Head of the information systems department at ARAEB Arab Academy for E-Business, and teacher of the Introduction to Database Systems, E-Goverment, and ICT for Development courses 2018-2019.
Director of Research at HIAST Higher Institute for Applied Science and Technology, and teacher of the Fundamentals of Database Systems, Database Applications, Information Retrieval, and Advanced Data Structures courses at the bachelor of Informatics Engineering 2001-2020, and the Web Databases course at the Decision and Information Systems master, and the Non-Relational Data Models, and Social Networks Analysis courses at the Big Data master 2013-2020.
Teacher at SVU Syrian Virtual University of the Requirements Engineering, and Information Retrieval courses at the ISE Information System Engineering program 2009-2020, and the Information and Communication Technologies course at the PMTM Professional Master in Technology Management program 2017-2020.
A long experience in research and teaching in the fields of Database, Information Systems, Arabic Language Processing, Text mining, Information Retrieval, Search Engines, and Social Networks Analysis.


Ph.D. in Computer Engineering. UJF University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble 1, Grenoble, France, 1997, "Deductive and Active Aspects in Databases and Knowledge Bases: Attributes Derivation and Maintenance".

MSc. in Computer Engineering, NIPG Institute National Polytechnic Grenoble, France, 1994, “Procedural Attachment in an Object-Oriented Knowledge Base System".

Engineering Degree in Computer Engineering, HIAST Higher Institute for Applied Science and Technology, Damascus, Syria, 1991.


Anomaly detection optimization using big data and deep learning to reduce false positive, k. Al Jallad, M. Aljnidi, M. S. Desouki, Journal of Big Data, 7, 68, September 2020.

Big data analysis and distributed deep learning for next-generation intrusion detection system optimization, k. Al Jallad, M. Aljnidi, M. S. Desouki, Journal of Big Data, 6, 88, October 2019.

Assistant system in instructors’ evaluation in higher education institutions, H. Nsr, M. S. Desouki, S. Nazer, Damascus University Journal for Engineering Sciences, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2017.

Using Data Mining Tools to Improve the Performance Appraisal Procedure: HIAST Case, Desouki M. S. and Al-Daher J., International Journal of Advanced Information in Arts, Science & Management IJAIASM, Vol.2, No.1, 2015.

Applying Multi-Level Documents Clustering to Quran Text, M. S. Desouki, International Journal on Islamic Applications in Computer Science And Technology IJASAT (Arabic version), Vol. 2 No 1, 2014.

The Interactive Arabic Dictionary: Another Collaboratively Constructed Language Resource, G. Rebdawi, M. S. Desouki, N. Ghneim, Journal of Computer Sciences and Applications, 2013, Vol. 1 No (2). doi: 10.12691/jcsa-1-2-1.

Collaborative Enrichment of the Interactive Arabic Dictionary, G. Rebdawi, M. S. Desouki, N. Ghneim, Damascus University Journal for Engineering Sciences, Vol. 29, No. 1, 2013.

Building an Arabic POS-Tagger Using a Semi-Supervised Learning Methodology, R. Sonbol, M. S. Desouki, N. Ghneim, International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering in Arabic, Vol 4, Number 2, 2012.

Experiments in Mining Arabic Texts, M. S. Desouki, A. Al-Abdo, International Journal for Communications and Computer Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2012.

An application Oriented Arabic Morphological Analyzer, R. Sonbol, N. Ghneim, M. S. Desouki, Damascus University Journal for Engineering Sciences, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2011, p 7-19.