Prof. Dr. Muhammad nour shammeh

Prof. Dr. Muhammad nour shammeh

•2003-2009 : Assistant Professor, Faculty of science, Alkasim, Saudi Arabia.
•2009 - 2013: Associate Professor and Researcher at Damascus University, Faculty of Electric and Electronic Engineering, Department of Basic Sciences, Syria.
•2013-2020: Professor and Researcher at Damascus University, Faculty of Electric and Electronic Engineering, Department of Basic Sciences, Syria.
•2016-2020 : Professor, AIU (Arab International Private University) Deportment of communications and Information, Syria.
•2015-2020 : Professor, College of SVU Syrian virtual Private University Deportment of Economic+ MWT+BAIT+BACT, Syria.
Ph.D. in Mathematical Analysis University in Moscow / Russia 1994

Papers English and Arabic Language عدد المؤلفين
1. An algorithm for determining a relatively prime number and its symmetric product with base n. Journal of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (jnm) Vol.3 No.1 (2009) 2
2. On the modern cryptology method of Hill for encoded letters with ASCII system.Far East Journal of Mathematical Education FJME Volume 3 No. 2 (2009) June ,pp. 183 - 193 2
3. Some New Results in Numerical Systems , Far East Journal of Mathematical Education FJME Volume 3 No. 2 (2009) June , pp. 145 – 153
4. Estimates for resonant frequencies under boundary deformation in multi-dimensional space, European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics ,V3 NO.2 (2010) pp 282-294 2
5. Employment the linear transformation and Algebraic Complement in Numerical Systems, Far East Journal of Mathematical Education FJME Volume 3 No. 2 (2013) 2
6. Some Results in Eulerian Graph, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS) ,Volume 3 No. 2 (2011) June , < 2
7. Generating basic Pythagorean triples from private integers, Journal of AL Baath University, Volume 38 (2016) 2
8. The encryption using the operator integration applied to the system ASCII encoded messages, Journal of AL Baath University, Volume 38 (2015) 2
9. THE ENCRYPTION USING SPECIAL PYTHAGOREAN FUNCTION, Journal of AL Baath University, Volume 38 (2016) 3
10. THE ENCRYPTION USING PYTHAGOREAN MATRIX, Journal of AL Baath University, Volume 39 (2016) 3
11. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Constants of the First and Second Degree Continuous Probability Density Function, , Journal of AL Baath University, Volume 35 (2015) 2
12. Using Finite Matrices Method to Hill Encrypt Messages for ASCII Encoded System, Journal of Damascus University of science Basie Volume 39 (2014) 2
13. Cryptology by method of Vigenere for encoded letters with updated Unicode system, Journal of AL Baath University for engineering science, Volume 34 N. 12(2012) 2
14. RSA algorithm with a new approach encryption and decryption message text by asci, International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security (IJCIS), Vol. 5, No. 3/4, December 2015 3
15. Arab encryption developer, Journal of AL Baath University for engineering science, Volume 30 N.17(2008) 2
16. Encryption using special series, Research Journal of Aleppo University , N.114(2016) 3
17. Internal encryption using weights to columns matrix, Research Journal of Aleppo University , N.97(2014) 2
18. Encryption using mass intermittent linear function given on [1, n], Research Journal of Aleppo University , N.110(2015) 2
19. Study the properties of Linear Probability Density Function, Research
20. Journal of Aleppo University , N.96(2014) 2
21. The General Formula for the Discrete Probability Density Function of the Second Degree, Research Journal of Aleppo University , N.98(2014)