Managerial Leadership and Job satisfaction: Evidence from Retail Banking Industry in Wales-UK

  • 26 Mar 2022
  • الأبحاث المنشورة مؤخراً باسم الجامعة - إدارة الأعمال


Serene Dalati

Published in

Conference: Proceedings of the International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance (ICMLG 2013), Bangkok University, Thailand.



The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between managerial leadership and intrinsic job satisfaction. The literature is conducted to review the nature of visionary, communicative and team oriented leadership behaviours. Also it examines nature and causes of job satisfaction in terms of measuring employee attitude to the job, and relationship between employee leadership behaviours and job satisfaction. The first variable of the study includes visionary, communicative and team oriented leadership behaviours. Job satisfaction variable is designed to measure managers’ intrinsic job satisfaction through a 13 item measures. The data collection design involves the collection of primary data though survey questionnaire. The methodology of the research is developed through the design of a self-administered questionnaire, which is distributed through post mail. The measurement scale employed in the questionnaire design is Likert scale. The survey questionnaire was distributed to High street commercial banks which provide retail banking services in Wales-UK. The secondary data was collected through organizations’ website, databases and annual reports or other publications provided by the selected organizations. The secondary data gathered in this research has been used for developing research variables and conceptual framework of the research. The sample of the study is selected from six commercial banks that provide retail-banking services in Wales-UK. The unit of analysis is branch and functional level management. The total population of the study investigated and examined in this study is 740 branches located around Wales-UK. Descriptive data analysis involves the calculation of averages, frequency distribution and percentages distribution. The data analysis used in this research study involves using frequency tables, charts, and diagrams to represent the number of people falling in each category. A Bivariate correlation analysis is deployed to measure the relationship between managerial leadership behaviours and job satisfaction to study the relation between the two variables.

Keywords: visionary leadership, communicative leadership, team oriented leadership, job satisfaction, characteristics of flow at work, action tendency scale.

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