Electronic Books

Total Books: 1 - 20 /558
6G Mobile Wireless Networks

Specifically, this book covers the following topics: 6G Use Cases, Requirements, Metrics and Enabling Technologies, PHY Technologies ...

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A Computer Scientists Guide to Cell Biology

This practical guide provides a succinct treatment of the general concepts of cell biology, furnishing the computer scientist ...

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A Computer Scientists Guide to Cell Biology

This practical guide provides a succinct treatment of the general concepts of cell biology, furnishing the computer scientist ...

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A Matrix Algebra Approach to Artificial Intelligence

The book consists of two parts: the first discusses the fundamentals of matrix algebra in detail, while the second focuses ...

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A vision-based system to early detection of drowning incidents in swimming pools / Ahmad AlKhouli ; Jan Allam ; Tuqa Alkhatib ; Abdulkarim Shahin ; Ahmad Saada

Being one of the leading causes of death; drowning has become a severe problem in the past few years. Our goal from this ...

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AI 2005: Advances in Artificial Intelligence

The 18th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI 2005) was held at the University of Technology, Sydney ...

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AI 2006: Advances in Artificial Intelligence

This volume contains the proceedings of the 19th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI 2006) held at ...

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AI 2007: Advances in Artificial Intelligence

The book is organized in topical sections on machine learning, neural networks, evolutionary computing, constraint satisfaction, ...

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AI 2007: Advances in Artificial Intelligence

The book is organized in topical sections on machine learning, neural networks, evolutionary computing, constraint satisfaction, ...

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AI 2008: Advances in Artificial Intelligence : 21st Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Auckland, New Zealand, December 1-5, 2008. Proceedings

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 21th Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AI 2008, ...

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AI 2020: Advances in Artificial Intelligence

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 33rd Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AI 2020, held ...

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AI For Emerging Verticals : Human-robot computing, sensing and networking

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) will play a major role. By adopting AI software and services, businesses ...

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AI and IoT for smart city applications / Vincenzo Piuri, Rabindra Nath Shaw, Ankush Ghosh, Rabiul Islam

Provides a valuable combination of relevant research works on developing smart city ecosystem from the artificial intelligence ...

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AI and UX

Great effort has been put forth to continuously make AI “smarter.” But, will smarter always equal more successful AI? ...

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AI in Marketing, Sales and Service : How Marketers without a Data Science Degree can use AI, Big Data and Bots / Peter Gentsch

Shows you: how customer and market potential can be automatically identified and profiled; how media planning can be intelligently ...

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AI sign language translator سيد حسن أكبر موسوي ؛ عمر عامر حايك الأصفر ؛ كنعان الاحمد ؛ طارق هيكل ؛ إشراف د. أنس دهبية

People with disabilities are facing a lot of difficulties every day. Whether it is in social life, work or education environment, ...

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AI*IA 2005: Advances in Artificial Intelligence

This volume collects the papers selected for presentation at the IX Congress of the Italian Association for Arti?cial Intelligence ...

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AI*IA 2007: Artificial Intelligence and Human-Oriented Computing

The book is organized in topical sections on knowledge representation and reasoning, multiagent systems, distributed AIai, ...

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AI*IA 2007: Artificial Intelligence and Human-Oriented Computing

The book is organized in topical sections on knowledge representation and reasoning, multiagent systems, distributed AIai, ...

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AI-Enabled Threat Detection and Security Analysis for Industrial IoT / Hadis Karimipour, Farnaz Derakhshan

Provides the state-of-the-art development on security and privacy for cyber-physical systems (CPS) and industrial Internet ...

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Total Books: 1 - 20 /558