Electronic Books

Total Books: 1 - 4 /4
Basics Masonry Construction - Basics / Nils Kummer

Masonry construction is usually the top priority in the constructive exercises during the course. The basic principles of ...

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Building Physics : Heat, Ventilation, Moisture, Light, Sound, Fire, and Urban Microclimate / SaSo Medved

Presents the theoretical background of building physics, dealing with the evaluation of physical phenomena related to heat ...

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Comfort and Perception in Architecture / J. Alstan Jakubiec

This book discusses the design of comfortable buildings and shows that design perception and, as a result, comfort should ...

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Seaside Building Design: Principles and Practice : Buildings in Maritime Zones / li Sayigh

Presents actual design projects that have been implemented at various seaside locations Covers all aspects of seaside building, ...

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Total Books: 1 - 4 /4