الكتب الالكترونية

عدد الكتب: 41 - 60 /87
Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer Science, ...

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Microprocessor 5 : Software and Hardware Aspects of Development, Debugging and Testing - The Microcomputer / Philippe Darche

Focuses more particularly on the first two generations of microprocessors, those that handle 4- and 8- bit integers. Microprocessor ...

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Multimedia Introduction to Programming Using Java

Although vital to modern software development, Java and object-oriented programming can pose significant challenges to newcomers. ...

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Perspectives of Systems Informatics

This volume contains the ?nal proceedings of the Sixth International Andrei Ershov Memorial Conference on Perspectives of ...

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Practical Common Lisp

Lisp is often thought of as an academic language, but it need not be. This is the first book that introduces Lisp as a language ...

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Practical Machine Learning for Streaming Data with Python : Design, Develop, and Validate Online Learning Models / Sayan Putatunda

A quick start guide for data scientists and machine learning engineers looking to implement machine learning models for streaming ...

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Practical Mono

Practical Mono offers a detailed portrait of Mono and its many facets. You'll learn about building GUI-based applications ...

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Pro .NET 1.1, Remoting, Reflection, and Threading

This book begins by discussing the most fundamental of the three techniques: .NET Remoting in Visual Basic .NET, which allows ...

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Pro Active Record

Pro Active Record helps you take advantage of the full power of your database engine from within your Ruby programs and Rails ...

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Pro Ajax and Java Frameworks

As a Java developer, you want a guide that shows you how to add Ajax functionality to your web applications with a minimum ...

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Pro Ajax and the .NET 2.0 Platform

There are a few class libraries recently distributed that open the Ajax door to the .NET Framework 2.0. This book examines ...

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Pro Apache Struts and Ajax

Pro Apache Struts with Ajax maps out how to use the Apache Struts MVC web framework, so you can solve everyday web application ...

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Pro Excel 2007 VBA

Pro Excel 2007 VBA is the complete guide to creating Excel VBA applications, including coverage of new features in Excel ...

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Pro JavaScript Techniques

Pro JavaScript Techniques is the ultimate JavaScript book for the modern web developer. It provides everything you need to ...

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Pro Microsoft Speech Server 2007

Microsoft Speech Server is becoming increasingly popular. There are three primary components developers wanting to develop ...

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Pro NetBeans™ IDE 6 Rich Client Platform Edition

Pro NetBeans IDE 6 Rich Client Platform Edition is the second Apress book to cover the agile, open source NetBeans IDE platform. ...

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Pro PHP : Patterns, Frameworks, Testing and More

Taking care to focus solely on those topics that will have the most impact on experienced PHP developers, Pro PHP is written ...

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Pro Perl

Pro Perl helps you master the key features and complexities of this powerful language. Aimed at intermediate and advanced ...

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Pro Perl Debugging

Combining the best features of C, UNIX utilities, and regular expressions, Perl has grown as one of the most powerful and ...

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Pro SQL Server 2005 Assemblies

Pro SQL Server 2005 Assemblies provides a detailed and example-driven tutorial on how to build and use .NET assemblies. The ...

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عدد الكتب: 41 - 60 /87