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Les fonctions sphinctériennes

Publication Date: 2006

ISBN: 978-2-287-37362-6

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This book on Sphincter functions provides an update on a very topical subject, urinary and anal incontinence. Divided into three parts, it first deals with fundamental aspects, whether anatomical, physiological or clinical. The explorations of the various urinary and anorectal functions are described with electrophysiological, manometric, urodynamic tests as well as imaging. The second part is devoted to the pathology with all the dysfunctions that we encounter in daily practice. Urinary and anal incontinence, dysuria and retention, neurological sphincter disorders, dysfunctions in pregnant women and children are discussed. The last part takes stock of treatments, whether pharmacological, rehabilitative or surgical. This work, which contains a considerable amount of information, will undoubtedly be of interest to many medical specialists (physicians in physical medicine and rehabilitation, neurologists, gastroenterologists, gynecologists, general practitioners, pediatricians), surgeons (urologists, gynecological surgeons, surgeons). digestive) whether they are in training or already involved in the management of perineal disability. Other health professionals will find reference material there (nurses, physiotherapists, midwives).

Subject: Medicine, Sphincter urinaire, Urinary sphincter, , Incontinence, Incontinence, Neurophysioloie, Réducation Périnérale, Perineral rehabilitation, Sphncter anal, Anal sphincter, Urodynamique, Urodynamics, Vessie neurogène, Neurogenic bladder