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Polysaccharides II

Publication Date: 2006

ISBN: 978-3-540-37103-8

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The first chapter, written by Antje Potthast, Thomas Rosenau, and PaulKosma, summarizes the state of the art of the reliable and sophisticated anal-ysis of oxidized functionalities in cellulose. XPrefaceThe second chapter ,focuses on the recent knowledge of cellulosicscharacterized by a property-determining supramolecular nanofiber structure.In the fourth chapter, Thomas Rosenau, Antje Potthast, and Paul Kosmadescribe current investigations on reactive intermediates and reaction mech-anisms in cellulose chemistry. The chemical modification and regeneration ofcellulose requires its activation and/or dissolution in media like sodium lye.

Subject: Chemistry and Materials Science, Cellulose, Polymers, Polysaccharid, Polysaccharides, Siliconharzmasse polymer