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Carbon Nanotubes: From Basic Research to Nanotechnology

Publication Date: 2006

ISBN: 978-1-4020-4574-5

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A nanotube can bend easily but still is very robust. The nanotubes can be manipulated and contacted to external electrodes. Their diameter is in the nanometer range, whereas their length may exceed several micrometers, if not several millimeters. In diameter, the nanotubes behave like molecules with quantized energy levels, while in length, they behave like a crystal with a continuous distribution of momenta. Depending on its exact atomic structure, a single-wall nanotube –that is to say a nanotube composed of just one rolled-up graphene sheet– may be either a metal or a semiconductor. The nanotubes can carry a large electric current, they are also good thermal conductors.

Subject: Chemistry and Materials Science, Gold, Raman spectroscopy, basic research, carbon nanotubes, composite material, crystal, diffraction, electron diffraction, microscopy, modeling, nanotechnology, polymer, spectroscopy