تفاصيل الكتاب


Global Comparability of Financial Reporting Under IFRS : Does Comparability Enhance Value Relevance of Earnings Across Countries? / Francesco De Luca, Ho-Tan-Phat Phan

Publication Date: 2022

ISBN: 978-3-031-15156-9

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This book reviews research studies on the comparability of financial reporting at a global level as well as highlights empirical analyses that demonstrate the extent to which global comparability has been achieved, and how it enhances value relevance of earnings across countries. It also looks at the cross-country investors’ perspectives by shaping the empirical analysis to provide further insights on the role of the "Big Four" auditing services in enhancing the comparability of earnings.

Subject: Economics and Finance, Financial Reporting, International Business, Corporate Governance, Financial Accounting, IFRS, Financial Reporting, Comparability, Enhance Value, Accounting