Publication Date: 2007
ISBN: 978-3-7643-8331-2
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It is well known that many phenomena in biology, chemistry, engineering, physics can be described by boundary value problem sassociated with varioustypes ofp- tial di?erential equations or systems. When we associate a mathematical model with a phenomenon, we generally try to capture what is essential, retaining the important quantities and omitting the negligible ones which involve small par- eters. The model that would be obtained by maintaining the small parameters is called the perturbed model, whereas the simplifed model (the one that does not includethesmallparameters)iscalledunperturbed(orreducedmodel). Ofcourse, the unperturbed model is to be preferred, because it is simpler.
Subject: Mathematics and Statistics, Boundary value problem, algebraic boundary conditions, asymptotic expansion, hyperbolic systems, partial differential equation