تفاصيل الكتاب


Migration and Social Protection in Europe and Beyond (Volume 3) A Focus on Non-EU Sending States

Publication Date: 2020

ISBN: 978-3-030-51237-8

Internet Resource: Please Login to download book

This third and last volume in the series takes the perspective of non-EU countries on immigrant social protection. By focusing on 12 of the largest sending countries to the EU, the book tackles the issue of the multiple areas of sending state intervention towards migrant populations.

Subject: Social Sciences / Social Sciences, general / Microeconomics / Social Policy / Non-EU countries / Immigrant social protection / Migrant populations / Argentina, China, Ecuador, India / Lebanon, Morocco, Russia / Senegal, Serbia, Switzerland / Tunisia, Turkey / Health care / Unemployment / Old-age pensions / Guaranteed minimum resources / Family benefits / Migration and integration / Sending states