تفاصيل الكتاب


Kaposi Sarcoma Herpesvirus: New Perspectives

Publication Date: 2007

ISBN: 978-3-540-34344-8

Internet Resource: Please Login to download book

Since the identificationof two sequences fromKSHV,wehave learnedmuch about this pathogen as reflected in this book. As it turned out, KSHV itself encodes for a number of cytokines, and induces cellular cytokine secretion, contributing to tumour growth. Moreover, KSHV vFLIP targets the IKKNFκB axis to encourage the inflammatory microenvironment observed by Gallo and his colleagues. KSHV continues to elucidate both mechanisms of viral oncogenesis, and cellular and immune pathways involved in non-viral driven neoplasia.

Subject: Biomedical and Life Sciences, AIDS, Antigen, G protein-coupled receptor, Gamma-herpesviridae, HIV-1, Multicentric Castleman disease, Primary effusion lymphoma, Replication and transcription activator, gene, gene expression, interferon, prevention, protein, proteins, virus